Office hours during PG Nationals Round 1

I will be taking part in the PG Nationals Round 1, here in Nelson from 25th Jan to 1 Feb.

My hours that week will be very limited, depending on weather conditions etc.

For any schools or instructors who think they might require student/visitor forms during that period, please let me know this week so I can get them out to you.

Good luck to all the pilots attending the PG Nationals.

Kind regards
Nicky Hamill

Paragliding Instructors Renewal Seminar - Queenstown

Date: Thursday, 30th January 2014

Time: 4 pm – 8 pm

Location: Wakatipu ski club, Coronet Peak, Queenstown.

Course Facilitators: Lisa Bradley

Cost: Donation of $30 to go to the DFC Youth glider fund.

Pre-requisites: You must be a current member of the NZHGPA and hold an existing instructors rating.

RSVP: by 15th January 2014 to

Note: This seminar is only for members who already hold an existing instructors rating and who wish to renew the currency of their instructors certificate. We will be covering updates to paragliding training, best practice and current/vital procedures applying to Student Membership and rating applications.