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2022 NZ PG Open, Corryong , Australia
For all the PG pilots that were, or are, intending to go to the NZ PG Open 2022 in Australia.
Many of you were at the 2021 NZ Open in Nelson and were at the presentation evening when there was a large show of hands in favour of a NZ PG Open competition in 2022 in Australia. Bids were put out for NZ Clubs to host a PG Open in NZ, as per usual each year, but no offers were forth-coming except that Dave Gibbs in Australia offered to organize the 2022 NZ PG Open in Corryong. And so, an Aussie NZ Open was announced (especially as this had been done successfully previously in Manilla in 2016).
At the time ( May 2021) Covid was very much in flux and it was quite possible that events would transpire that would make an Australian event most feasible. Not to be. We have all been caught out by events beyond our control. Even up until early Dec this year, before the ‘traffic light’ system was introduced, there was a high probability that travel to and from Australia and Covid restrictions there, and here, would permit such an event but now, with the TLS and with Omicron looming to freak out governments further and create more travel restrictions it’s looking pretty unlikely that kiwis will realistically be able to travel to Australia (and return!).
I wrote to Dave Gibbs (the NZ PG Open comp director) recently and discussed the NZ PG Open in Australia and today (13th Dec) I spoke with Dave and we have come up with a plan.
The event is still a Cat2 FAI event and is likely to attract a good number of Aussie, and other international pilots (especially if he tweeks the format to be a ‘novice comp’ or a EN C wing Class comp only). It is worth keeping as a valid FAI Cat2 competition. Dave does not want to cancel the event as it has attracted many novice and other overseas pilots and there is a ‘cancellation policy’ that would mean he would have to refund 100% inspite of significant costs already spent.
So, it looks like the event will still go ahead for all, if you’d like to attend, but it is possible it will not be a NZ PG Open. If you attend it will still be great flying and accrue WPRS and NZPRS points.
A final decision will be made on / or about the 1st January. Monitor the NZHGPA website. We’ll keep you posted.
If the NZ PG Open doesn’t go ahead, we will write to CiVL and our NAC to advise them that the NZ PG Open in Australia is cancelled as the NZ PG Open for 2022 and Dave will change the comps name to…”Not - the NZ PGOpen” ( or something)( ‘cos he’s already got the T-shirts made!). I’m sure the FAI and our NAC will be OK with that considering the circumstances.
We will ask that NZ Clubs consider stepping forward to create a ‘back-up’ PG Open which, except for formal (AIP) airspace notifications (NOTAMS will still be able to advise) there would still be plenty of time to organize a very much simplified PG Open event before the end of Feb /early March.
Clubs, please consider this option, and be prepared to step up. Remember, pilots simply want to fly and have a good get-together (not-with-standing Covid restrictions).
If there is no NZ PG Open, in 2022 (and NZ would not be the first country to have their premier events cancelled due to Covid restrictions) then the National champions, due to extenuating circumstances, will be decided by the NZPRS as at the 1st March 2022 and pilots so notified and somehow Trophies delivered. The least that Clubs can do is to step forward and host Regional events. Let’s get as many comps as we can, Cat2 or not, that will be recognized by the NZPRS, so as to create a fair cross-section of experience for possible National pilot awards.
Finally, Clubs: be thinking now about whether you’ll consider hosting a PG Open in 2023. A long way off but it would take the pressure off last minute preparations. Perhaps, in future, the PCC will insist that the next years NZ PG Open be announced at the presentation evening of the previous closing PG Open.