Terms of Reference for NZHGPA Discretionary Projects Fund
Members of the NZHGPA Discretionary Projects Funding Committee (DPFC) are to be appointed annually by the Executive.
There shall be a minimum of three committee members: one representative of hang gliding, one representative of paragliding, and one Executive member.
The amount of discretionary funds to be allocated will be set annually at the AGM. [For 2014/15 $3000 has been set aside for the fund.]
Applications must be submitted by a club, supported by a minuted motion proposed and seconded at a club meeting by current NZHGPA members. (PIN numbers to be supplied).
The DPFC will consider all applications for funds against the criteria (listed below).
The DPFC will assess applications as they are received during the course of the year.
The DPFC may request additional information from the requesting club.
Each funding application will be assessed on its own merits, with no expectation of ongoing funding based on past funding approvals, or commitments to fund aspects of a project into future years. That is: each application should be for a stand-alone project or event.
The DPFC will make a recommendation to the NZHGPA Executive as to how funds could be distributed.
Not all funds available have to be distributed annually.
It is a requirement that clubs receiving funds will report at appropriate intervals on the use of the funds. Reporting requirements will be advised by the DPFC at the time of the funding approval.
Criteria for the NZHGPA Discretionary Projects Fund
Financial assistance will be considered for club projects that meet some or all of the following criteria or considerations:
- Helps to develop, protect and promote the sport of hang gliding and/or paragliding.
- Facilitate the safety, development, long term or ongoing use of a launch site of national importance. (A site of "national importance" would generally be considered to be a site that has been used at least several times for national competitions, or which is used on an ongoing basis for training a significant number of students.)
- Support gliding meetings, competitions, or technical seminars (where there is a demonstrated benefit to the wider membership).
- Maximises the number of Association members that will benefit as a result of the project.
- Otherwise supports or fulfills the objectives of the Association.
- All things considered equal proposals that have a demonstrated contribution of resources (financial or in kind), by the club requesting funds and/or from other sources, will be given stronger weighting.
- That the requesting club has adequately reported on the outcomes of any earlier grants received.
(a) Develop, protect and promote the sport of hang gliding and paragliding.
(d) Foster harmony between Member Organisations, Pilot Members, Visitor Members, Student Members, Non Flying Members, Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, public and local bodies, flying site owners and the general public.
(e) Encourage sharing of knowledge and provide for the benefit of all members and member organisations, advice, education and technical information to advance and promote safe hang gliding and paragliding.
(i) Promote gliding meetings, competitions, technical seminars, gliding schools, social events, Booksellers, publications and anything else which may assist these objectives.
(j) Foster the technical development of the sport in terms of hardware and flying techniques.
Applications must be submitted by a club, supported by a minuted motion proposed and seconded at a club meeting by current NZHGPA members. (PIN numbers to be supplied).
Applications should explain how the relevant criteria listed above are fulfilled by the proposal.
Applications are to be returned to the NZHGPA Administrator (Nicky Hamill admin@nzhgpa.org.nz).
Mark Alton markalton@yahoo.com
Derek Divers d.divers@xtra.co.nz
Kris Ericksen skf@paradise.net.nz
NZHGPA Discretionary Projects Funding Committee
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